Coverage Factor for Rural Routes

    A simple tool is available for carrier use to validate the coverage factor on their route.  A manual work sheet can be printed out to track the number of active deliveries not serviced each day for a 12 delivery-day period.  This is a simple worksheet requiring manual calculations. 

    The same worksheet in Excel can be downloaded and will perform the calculations for you based on the information entered.  

      For more information on this go to the 


  PAC Chairman Position

  We currently have an open position for GA PAC Chairperson and would like    to invite interested members to apply.   The following skills are required:

  - Ability to organize and manage PAC events at State Meetings (boosters       and convention) and National convention.

  - Oversight of 13 District PAC Chairs

  - Ensuring proper collection and transmission of funds and records to the     National Office.

  Please send a letter to the GA State Board explaining why you believe you     could be the next GA PAC Chairperson.   All letters will be reviewed, and a   decision will be made at our Aug 3-5 Board Meeting.

 GARLCA State Board     OR   Email letter to:
 c/o Raye Ann Reeves
 8594 GA Highway 109
 Molena GA 30258-2900



  To avoid missing issues of  “The Rural   Bulletin” and  “The National Rural Letter Carrier” your address needs to  be correct.     If you have moved recently or changed

 from a physical address to a Post Office box your address may not be correct in the union database.  Please send address change to:  Raye Ann Reeves GARLCA Secretary- Treasurer, 8594   GA Hwy 109, Molena, GA  30258-2900 Or Email to:

Georgia Rural Letter Carriers'

Georgia Rural Letter Carriers' Association ​