GARLCA  State Chapter


August 14, 1904



              T he  purpose of this Association shall be to improve the methods used by

   Rural Mail Carriers, and to cooperate with the Postal Service and the National 

   Rural Letter Carriers' Association and the public for the good of the service, to

   promote a fraternal spirit among the members, and to benefit their conditions

   of labor.  It shall not affiliate with outside or striking organizations. 



            In  1893 Thomas E. Watson a Congressman from Georgia, pushed through

  legislation for an RFD system.  It took until October of 1896 before the first

  rural route was established in Charlestown, West Virginia.  Shortly thereafter

  four more routes were formed in West Virginia and the service soon expanded

  to other states.


        The first Post Office in Georgia with Rural Free Delivery was Quitman which

  was established in December of 1896.  The next office to follow was Starrsville

  in Newton County just south of present day Covington in October of 1898. 

  Others that followed before 1900 were Athens and Rome.

        On August 14, 1904 the Rural Letter Carriers' of Georgia was established as

  State Chapter No. Sixteen, of the National Rural Letter Carriers' Association.

  This Charter was issued by President, F. H. Cunningham and Secretary W. F.

  Tumber in Lockport, New York.

         This Association has represented the rural craft for over a century through

  many crises and continues to represent us through troubled waters today.

  Benefits such as being able to work over a 40 hour route, paid holiday, annual

  and sick leave, health insurance, seniority rights, wage increases, pensions, 

  overtime pay, and EMA pay for private owned vehicles are just some of the

  benefits fought for and won by this union.